About Dv8

Who Are We?

We are a fun active youth group that meets on a weekly basis.  Our regular evenings involve us starting off with praise and worship songs. The youth really get into singing and sometimes dancing with motions depending on the song. We then move into our lesson time, which we teach from God's word, the youth learn Biblical principles and morals that they can apply to their lives. We then break off into small groups to discuss the lesson and build deeper connections and discipleship. Finally, we move into our game or activity for the evening and finish things up with our traditional circle prayer time.

Our purpose for existing!

Dv8 exists to meet teens where they are and encourage them to engage in a saving relationship with God and to equip them to make faith their own. To that end, lesson discussions, activities, and support of the leaders will be based on the following core values.

Truth- God's word, teaching biblical principles, morals, and character.

Love- like Jesus, building and growing honest and mature relations.

Safety- ensuring an environment of spiritual, emotional, and physical safety.